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Massage & Naturopathic Medicine

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über mich
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My  therapeutic work is rooted in the understanding that we, as human beings, are part of a larger whole. Through this spiritual knowledge I design your individual treatment approach—because healing comes in many different ways—always unique, and always when we activate the will to heal within us.

I look forward to meeting you, and I will be happy to support you on your individual path.

Short Curriculum Vitae

Certified Naturopathic Medical practitioner, massage therapist, pharmaceutical representative, esthetician

Further education: Relaxation teacher training, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, Bach Flower Therapy, massage, esthetician, hypnosis, meditation

Team Leader International Training Center for Natural Cosmetics at Weleda

Die Rhythmische Massage-Therapie (RM-T)

nach Dr. Ita Wegman:




Die Rhythmische Massage-Therapie setzte ich bei allen Arten von Stresserkrankungen ein. Sie stärkt den Ruhenerv, wirkt ganzheitlich, mindert Schmerzzustände und fördert die Tiefenentspannung. Sie ist ein Elementarer Baustein innerhalb meiner Behandlungspläne.


Den Alltag hinter sich lassen :

eine Stunde für Erholung und Entspannung


sanft und tiefenwirksam 60.-€  


Stress lass nach:

Diese Massage gibt innere Ausrichtung und Orientierung 80.-€


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Leiden sie unter geistiger Erschöpfung, Konzentrationsstörungen, Schlaflosigkeit und/oder depressiven Verstimmungen weil die Gedanken nicht zur Ruhe kommen?
Oder leiden sie unter unerklärlicher Angst, haben Panikattacken und erleben sich antriebslos und emotional abgeflacht?
Und wie sieht es mit ihrer Vitalkraft aus? Haben sie häufigeInfekte, oder ist ihnen gänzlich der Appetit vergangen, auch das Gegenteil kann der Fall sein.


Why Naturopathy

Design individually, connect methods & stimulate healing impulses

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Bach Flower Therapy

These flower remedies work on an emotional level, support self-knowledge, and stabilize the personality. This therapy helps to naturally bring the emotions into balance.



This technique uses guided relaxation and focused concentration, to shape your own life plan. Through a hypnotic trance, inner images form, and our everyday thinking recedes, entering a changed state of consciousness.


External applications

Custom oil blends, delivered via massages, wraps and cloths, support the body’s perceptions. The therapeutic touch allows for deep inner connection to develop. Self-regulation, and the inner will to heal, are addressed in a lasting way.



When used selectively, essential oils can regulate physiological parameters and support hormonal balance in the body. Emotions and moods are awakened.


Natural remedies

Through my treatments, I combine remedies from anthroposophical medicine, spagyric, homeopathy, and phytotherapy. These remedies may be transformed by profound pharmaceutical processes in order to strengthen their inherent healing power.


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May our tree of life be firmly rooted in the foundation of love. May good deeds be the leaves of that tree. May words of kindness be the blossoms thereof and peace be the fruits thereof. Let us grow and develop as one family united in love.


I look forward to meeting you

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